Sunday, 30 March 2014

Selenium IDE features

Before starting with test case creation using selenium IDE one should get to know some of the basic features and functionalities of the integrated development environment itself.

The selenium IDE is compromised of the menu bar, base URL bar, toolbar, test case pane and the log/reference/UI-element/rollup pane.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Configuring selenium IDE options

Before starting off to use the selenium IDE tool one must know some of the basic configuration setting for the IDE.

The selenium IDE configuration settings can be accessed from the Options menu > Options on the IDE. From here one can configure the basic settings like enabling recording on IDE start, timeout values, remembering base URL, etc..

General Tab

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Installing selenium IDE and firebug

Installing selenium IDE

Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the basic selenium tool used for recording, editing and debugging test cases for your web application. It comes as a Firefox plugin and hence not available for other browsers.

Let us begin by installing the selenium IDE plugin for Firefox.

Start the Firefox browser. Head over to the Selenium HQ download page. Download the latest version 2.5.0. This will display the allow add-on to be installed pop up.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Getting acquainted with Selenium

What is selenium?

Selenium - Selenium is a collection of open source tools used for web automation and hence mainly used for automation testing of web applications. That said use of selenium needn't be confined to automation testing alone. It can also be used to automate several of the tedious administrative or routine jobs involving web applications. Selenium essentially is a browser automation tool and one of its key features is that it can be run across different platforms involving various browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, etc.).