For almost everyone engaged in selenium automation let it be using selenium RC or web driver, selenium IDE is an unavoidable tool for initial assessment of the application under test. Some of us might want to check out the locator elements which we have described using either of the locator strategies are getting identified properly or not. Some other might want to check out if the commands themselves are doing what is intended by the user itself.
So every time we try to use the selenium IDE add-on for checking the locator objects of commands a user will have to toggle back and forth between the Firefox browser window and the selenium IDE window. In order to avoid this one could dock the IDE add-on onto the Firefox browser like docking the firebug window. This would help the user to see the recorded commands as he carries out the actions on the web application.
For firebug however there is an ‘attach firebug o browser’ option which allows it to be docked onto the browser. Docking the selenium IDE add-on can also be done similarly by selecting the ‘Selenium IDE’ option from the view option ( View " Sidebar " Selenium IDE ).
Once this option is selected the IDE gets docked onto the browser to its left.